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POSA Aerial Sport Code of Points (2023)

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POSA Difficulty Sheet (.docx)

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How to Fill out a Difficulty Sheet (2024)

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POSA Rules & Regulations (2025)

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USPSF Rules & Regulations (2025)

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Divisions are determined by the level of difficulty.  Generally speaking, Amateur athletes perform elements up to the 0.5 point range, whereas Competitive athletes perform up to the 1.0 point range, as shown in the Elements Table in the Code of Points.

Here are some video samples:

Competitive Division

Ana Vukman
Masters 40+ Women Competitive Silks

World Aerial Sport Championship 2023
1st Place

Watch Here

Amateur Division

Dorina Miklos
Junior A Amateur Hoop

World Aerial Sport Championship 2023
3rd Place

Watch Here


Amateur and Para-aerial division routines are 3:20 to 3:30 minutes.

Competitive division length is 3:20 to 3:30 for Juniors aerial hoop, 3:20-3:45 for Juniors aerial silks, and 3:50 to 4:00 for Seniors and Masters.

The first tone of the music marks the beginning of the routine, while the last tone marks the end.

Age Category

Age categories are defined by the competitive year rather than the birth date.

Varsity: 6-9 yr (born 2016-19)
Junior A: 10-14 yr (born 2011-15)
Junior B: 15-17 yr (born 2008-10)
Senior: 18+ yr (born before 2007)
Masters 40+ (born before 1985)
Masters 50+ (born before 1975)


Doubles Junior A
Doubles Junior B
Doubles Junior Mix
Doubles Senior 

Competition Stage

A portable aerial rig may be used.  The sling height is approximately 19.5 to 26 feet (6 to 8 meters). The sling is made up of an automatic or mechanical winch that can be replaced. The competition organizers can offer equipment, however, participants can also use their own silks or hoop if they match the requirements specified below.  competitors cannot use their own carabiners or swivels.

Aerial silks consist of a durable fabric of medium stretch with a width of approximately 5 to 9 feet (1.5 to 2.8 meters) and a length of approximately 19.5 to 33 feet (6 to 10 meters). The longitudinal edges of the fabric should not be cut.

Aerial hoop is made of stainless steel, with a diameter ranging from approximately 31.5 to 43.5 inches (80 to 110 cm) and a tube diameter of 0.9 to 1.2 inches (23 to 30 mm). Hoop wrapping is mandatory. The hoop is attached at one point. A span set is required, and the length of the span set is optional. The presence of extra devices on the hoop (such as a pole or a loop) is prohibited.

The stage will measure 26x26 to 32x32 with wood or linoleum flooring and may be elevated.  The competition area will include mats in the center, beneath the sling. Mats are 6.5x6.5 feet (2x2 meters) and at least 8 inches thick.

Specific information on aerial equipment offered, height, and stage dimensions will be disclosed in the National Competition Work Plan (when published).

Spotters are required in all Junior categories.

How the Competition is Scored

Routines are scored on artistry, execution, and difficulty.

The judging panel has nine to thirteen judges. They consist of one head judge, two difficulty judges, and three to five artistic and execution judges (each).

Artistic Scoring

This score is based only on the presentation of the routine, which includes moves around the apparatus and stage area. This involves the ability to perform dance and acrobatic choreography with emotion and expression, as well as having a strong stage presence. The routine should include a memorable character, persona, and story using theme, music, costuming, and dance that are truly unique.

Artistic Sections 

Athletes are awarded points based on the overall level of each section listed below. Each section is worth 5 points (unless otherwise stated) on a 0.5-point scale ranging from 0 (unacceptable) to 5 (excellent).

Originality of Overall Presentation
A unique presentation of moves and combinations, movement on and off the apparatus, and choreography throughout the dance. The choreography is innovative by combining unique moves throughout the entire routine, not just through select moves.

Originality of Transitions In and Out of Moves and Confidence
Unique transitions, entrances, and exits of moves and combinations throughout the performance.  Confidence refers to an athlete's confidence and comfortability in his or her routine, is entertaining on stage, commands the audience's attention, and delivers a believable routine.

Interpretation of the Music, Body, and Facial Expressions
The choreography reflects the light, shade, feeling, and emotion of the music. The athlete should connect with the song and express themselves through their costume, body, and facial gestures and align their movements with the music and melody.

Music and Musicality, including Usage, Selection, and Composition
Choosing appropriate music with great structure and tempo to convey the intended story for the routine. All movements should fit perfectly within the music, and the music should enhance the athlete's expression and complement the athlete's characteristics and style.  The music choice should not be heard in many aerial competitions.

Stage Presence and Charisma
Taking command of the stage. The athlete should have complete control over their performance and project an engaging and charismatic style. 

Balanced Choreography
The routine has a variety of moves, including floor work and transitions on and off the apparatus, resulting in choreography with stage presence and artistic merit.  This includes performing elements and choreography at all height levels, including floor, medium, and aerial (using spanset on hoop or full height of silks), and the use of spins.

Dynamic and Flow
The ability to execute a smooth and fluid routine off the apparatus, floor to standing, and standing to floor. Sequences, motions, transitions, choreography, and acrobatic movements should be smooth, natural, and flawless. The routine should not appear fragmented, such as doing a move and then waiting for applause.

The intensity of a routine is determined by its energy, body segment usage, transition intensity, and choreography.

Use of Space and Stage
The athlete's utilization of the entire stage, including the sides, front, and center. The area should be used in a balanced manner across three height levels as well (floor, medium, and) aerial.

Difficulty of Choreography on the Floor
Athletes must perform a minimum of 30 seconds of choreography on the floor. A choreographic combination of dance steps and motions executed on the floor without touching the apparatus. The difficulty of the floor work is judged in its entirety as a continuous sequence. The dance motions should match the pace of the music and represent the character of the performance. The choreographic content is judged based on the level of movement such as complex dance sequences, complicated combinations, and a "big" continuous movement.

Balanced Elements [Singles]
A well-balanced routine with equal numbers of different elements. A balanced routine includes flexibility, strength, spins, and dynamic movements. The athlete should appear equally adept in these areas.

Costume Matches Theme (up to 2 points)
The costume should match the theme of the routine, even if the theme is abstract. 


Athletes are awarded bonuses for adding complexity and variety of choreography.  Each section is worth 2 points (unless otherwise stated) on a 0.5-point scale ranging from 0 (did not perform) to 2 (excellent).

Use of Body Segments

Choreography that uses the entire body, including the torso, arms, pelvis, and legs.

Style of Dance Movements
Awarded for every 8-count music sequence that demonstrates an excellent dance style.

Mixing Different Styles of Dance
Having choreography that demonstrates a diverse range of dancing styles and music.

General Content
Performing transitions, balanced elements, lifts [doubles], and physical interactions [doubles] in at least four movements (or blocks of movements).  This section is evaluated on a 0.1-point scale from 1.0 (did not perform) to 2.0 (excellent).

Acrobatic Move
An acrobatic move is performed on the floor without contacting the aerial apparatus. The Code of Points specifies the Acrobatic Moves and their respective point values on page 44. All acrobatic moves not included there will be considered choreography. Only one acrobatic move is permitted. Any extra acrobatic moves will result in deductions from the Head Judge.

Artistic for Doubles

Doubles must perform a synchronized dance sequence on the floor lasting at least 10 seconds.

In addition to their difficulty elements, Doubles must do four (4) aerial apparatus lifts and one (1) floor lift for a total of up to 5 points awarded.   Lifts involve two partners doing interconnected moves on the aerial apparatus or floor with both playing significant parts. 

Lifts are evaluated on three levels: 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0. The Code of Points gives a framework for assessing the levels. For example, a 0.5 is awarded when at least one partner is in a position of <0.6 point value, while a 0.8 is awarded when at least one partner is in a position of 0.7 to 0.8.  Below are the types of lifts:

Strength / Strength - Both partners are in a position that requires effort and control of their arms, core, or legs to maintain their position.

Flex / Flex - Both partners perform a lift that requires leg, back, or shoulder flexibility, executed to full extension.

Strength / Flex - When one partner is in a position of flexibility and the other is in a position of strength, in contact with each other, and in control of both positions.

Interlocking - Partners are interlocked in the same position by their arms, elbows, legs, knees, or backs either horizontally (left and right) or vertically (upside-down and upside-down).

Balance - A lift that is only attainable when both partners are in the correct position, as it requires weight, counterbalance, and assistance from the other partner to maintain.

Base Supported - When one partner fully supports the other by holding onto the aerial apparatus. Both partners may make touch with the apparatus, however only one supports the other, while the other is suspended and hanging.

Floor - Lifts are performed on the floor without contacting the aerial apparatus.


A maximum of 70 points can be awarded for the artistic and choreographic section. 

Execution Scoring

This score is based only on the technical execution of all the moves on the aerial apparatus, transitions, and floor work.  For Doubles, this also includes timing and uniformity of movements.

What is Execution?

This is the ability to perform movements with flawless technique, maximum precision, proper posture, and body alignment.  This includes: 

The Knee and Toe Alignment
There is a straight line connecting the kneecap to the big toe. The foot and toes are pointed, and the toes are not clenched.

Clean Lines
Properly positioning the legs and arms, as well as pointing the feet and toes at full extension (the feet are not sickled). Maintaining tension-free fingers and toes, and only flexing the feet unless it is necessary to perform a move or if performed as part of choreography.

Fully extending the legs, arms, back, neck, wrists, and chest. Avoiding rounded shoulders and back, and the head is held high. 

Maintaining proper posture while on and off the apparatus. There are no uncontrollable movements.

Execution within the Routine

Transitioning from one move to another with fluidity and grace, without hesitation, regripping, or rebalancing. Transitions should appear effortless.

Angles of Moves
Performing every part of the routine at the desired angles. The athlete is keeping full control to avoid stopping at an unfavorable angle.

Use of Hoop
Athletes must use the spanset.

Use of Silks
Being able to work on both joint and separate silks and demonstrate different elements (knots, grips, etc.).  Ability to use at least 13 feet (4 meters) of height during their performance. 

No Slipping, Losing Balance, or Falls
No loss of control or balance, and minor slips or losses of balance do not interfere with the performance.

No Fidgeting
No drying of hands on the costume, torso, apparatus, or floor as well as fussing with hair or outfit.

Execution for Doubles

Uniformity and Synchronicity
Performing as a single unit with identical range of motion, timing, and quality. Choreography includes precise and identical movements.

Using Full Height of Aerial Silk
At least one partner uses at least 13 feet (4 meters) of aerial silk during their performance.


Each athlete starts with 75 points for execution. Any deviation from "perfect execution" is deducted from the initial 75 points.  That then is the athlete's overall execution score.

Deductions for Each Occurrence
-0.5 points for each poor execution
-1 point for each poor transition, bad angle of move, slip, or loss of balance
-1 point [Doubles] for each lack of uniform movement
-2 points for each fidget
-5 points for each uncontrolled fall to the floor

One Time Deductions
-3 points for not using apparatus to its fullest extent or height
-5 points [Doubles] if the majority of the performance is not synchronized

Difficulty Scoring

This score is based only on the elements declared on the Athlete's Difficulty Sheet.  The minimum requirements for each element are stated in the Elements Table of the Code of Points.


There are 5 groups of "type of elements".
Group A (Flexibility) - held stationary for 2 seconds
Group B (Strength) - held stationary for 2 seconds
Group C (Balance) - held stationary for 3 seconds
Group D (Dynamic) - must have an aerial phase with dynamism
Group E (Spinning) - perform a Group A or B and held stationary for two rotations

The Athlete must declare at least one difficulty element from each group and complete it to the minimal requirements.

Level of Difficulty

The Level of Difficulty table on page 28 of the Code of Points shows the acceptable range of difficulty based on the age category.

Amateur Division
Amateurs must declare five elements within the allowable range in their age category (i.e. one element from each group).  They may additionally declare one extra element valued above the allowed age category.

Competitive Division
Competitive athletes must declare ten difficulty elements.  Junior athletes may additionally declare one element valued above the allowed age category.


Combination Bonus
When an Athlete declares two difficulty elements from two different element groups and completes them to the minimum requirements while also providing a direct transition between the two elements, they will receive a 1-point bonus. Up to three combination bonuses may be awarded, and the athlete must declare them on their Difficulty Sheet.

Super Bonus
A Competitive Senior or Master 50+ Athlete may declare one additional combination bonus if those two elements are valued at 1.0 each and performed to the minimum requirements with no downgrade. For this additional difficulty, they get an additional 1 point (i.e. a total of 2 points). This can only be awarded once.

Risk Factor Bonus
These are awarded by the Difficulty Judges to Athletes who complete a difficulty element with a high level of risk while also satisfying the minimum requirements. Athletes do not declare these on their Difficulty Sheet.

Difficulty for Doubles

Doubles must declare five elements within the allowable range in their age category (i.e. one element from each group). 

For their difficulty elements, partners are permitted to touch each other during the execution of the element, but they must not attempt to assist their partner. If athletes assist each other, the element is not scored.  If a difficulty element cannot be completed simultaneously,  one athlete may perform it, however, the second athlete has to be on the apparatus. If the partner is on the floor, the element will not be evaluated. Partners cannot complete two different difficulty elements at the same time.

The Difficulty Score is multiplied by two (total score without bonuses).

Difficulty for Paraaerial

In the Paraaerial division, only the first five elements executed from the highest value level of difficulty will be scored, with no difficulty elements declared. Paraaerial athletes do not have to perform one element per group.

Paraaerial athletes must provide a medical certificate or invalidity card to establish their disability.


Each athlete performs the elements in the sequence specified on their Difficulty Sheet. The Athlete can still do moves not on the Difficulty Sheet, but the Difficulty Judge will not evaluate them.

- When the Athlete completes each declared difficulty element and meets all of the requirements, the element's value is added to the difficulty score.
- For Groups A, B, C, and E that refer to a "parallel line to floor", the move's value may be reduced by 0.2 or 0.4 points if done correctly but slightly above or below the parallel line.
- If the minimum requirements are not met, the element is valued at zero.
- Bonuses are awarded to scored elements.

Potential Deductions

- Elements not performed in order of appearance or not performed at all
- Missing a group
- Missing a lift or not performing at least 1 difficulty element in synchronicity [Doubles]
- Incorrectly filled Difficulty Sheet (e.g., incorrect declaration of combinations or amount of difficulty elements, elements outside the allowed range, sheet not supplied in Word or PDF format)

Head Judge Scoring

Deductions, warnings, and disqualifications are issued by the Head Judge.


-1 point for theatrical presentation
-1 point for failure to appear in the stage area within 20 seconds after being called
-1 point for no logical beginning or end to the performance
-1 point for causing distraction by uttering vocals
-2 points for a 2-10 second interruption in performance (each)
-3 points for less than 30 seconds of choreography on the floor 
-3 points for stopping performance for more than 10 seconds
-3 points for incorrect attire (jewelry, undergarments visible)
-3 points for incorrectly filling out the Difficulty Sheet
-3 points for second or more acrobatic elements (each)
-5 points for the use of pendulum motions (planned swinging) of the aerial apparatus 
-5 points for any Varsity athlete performing their routine at heights above 19.5 ft (6 meters)
-5 points for performing prohibited moves (each)
-5 points for a verbal cue from the coach (each)
-5 points for spotter and athlete communication, verbal or by contact (each)
-10 points for themes that violate the Olympic Charter and Code of Ethics

Wrong Music Length
-1 point if music is more/less than 3 seconds
-3 points if music is more/less than 5 seconds
-5 points if music is more/less than 10 seconds


- Presence in a restricted area
- Improper behavior/manners
- National tracksuit or emblem is not worn at an international competition
- Competition clothing is not worn at the medal award ceremony


- Missing all difficulty elements
- Drop out
- Walk-over: Failure to appear on stage within 1 minute after being called
- Serious violation of the POSA Statutes, Rules and Regulations, or Code of Points
- Unsportsmanlike conduct towards athletes
- Disrespectful conduct toward the Head Judge and Jury

This page summarizes the content provided in the Code of Points. The athlete must thoroughly read and comprehend the material in the Code of Points.

Still have questions?

Participate in our Code of Points training. We review each scoring section to assist athletes and coaches in understanding it better.